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Julie Wells Selected to Leadership Lafayette Program

EP Shareholder Julie J. Wells has been selected to participate in the 2018 Oxford-Lafayette County Chamber of Commerce Leadership Lafayette program.

This eight-month course is designed to ensure the continuity of leadership in the Lafayette-Oxford-University community. The class training builds community leaders through shared knowledge, skills and experience. The program emphasizes developing leadership skills through activities promoting community awareness, team building and project development.

This year’s class of 27 started in January and will run through late August. Objectives of the Leadership Lafayette program are to: 1) Identify potential community leaders; 2) Develop individual leadership potential; 3) Acquire knowledge about community and current issues in Lafayette County; 4) Create dialogue and rapport among participants and current community leaders; 5) Provide opportunities to network with alumni of prior Leadership Lafayette programs; and 6) Promote a sense of “community” through shared efforts benefiting the local community.

The Oxford-Lafayette County Chamber of Commerce is the most dynamic business organization in the community, where businesses and professionals come together to work to improve the business climate and quality of life for our area.


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