International Law / Foreign Direct Investment

More Than Law

International Law / Foreign Direct Investment

Our attorneys bring over 50 years of collective experience to bear in managing the international legal needs of U.S. entities as well as the U.S. legal needs of foreign persons with property, business entities, or business relationships in this country.

Clients rely on our attorneys and our extensive international network of foreign firms to successfully and efficiently address a wide array of legal issues associated with their international needs. These clients range from emerging to well-established international businesses and are engaged in all aspects of international business activities. Our attorneys in this practice area have a well-honed understanding of the challenges posed by differences in culture, language, and legal systems, as well as those posed by risks that are unique to international business such as political and currency risks, and they know how to evaluate and manage them.

Legal needs addressed by this area:

  • International trade
  • International manufacturing and supply relationships
  • International distribution
  • Business process outsourcing
  • Software development
  • International investment
  • Foreign direct investment
  • Intellectual property creation, protection, licensing, use and sale
  • International data protection
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
  • Anti-boycott matters
  • U.S. customs


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