Real Estate

More Than Law

Real Estate

Our real estate attorneys understand what our real estate clients want and provide a practical approach to solving their problems.

Evans Petree PC’s real estate and land use group focuses on individuals and businesses that own, buy, sell, lease, develop, and finance real estate. Our clients are involved in real estate transactions and developments of almost every size and type, including industrial, commercial, and residential properties. We have unique experience in taking real estate development projects from beginning to end, from site selection and land use approval through development, construction, finance and refinance, leasing, and sales.

Legal needs addressed by this practice area:

  • Corporate services
  • Commercial development
  • Land use/ entitlements
  • Zoning/ land use planning
  • Environmental compliance
  • Construction
  • Condemnation/eminent domain
  • Property taxation/ greenbelt/ payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT)
  • Leasing
  • Declaration of covenants and restrictions
  • Master/ subdivision/ re-subdivision and platting
  • Abatements and exemptions
  • Water rights
  • Condominiums
  • Low-income housing tax credit
  • Municipal and revenue bond financing
  • Taxation, including like-kind exchanges


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