More than Law


Upcoming Estate Planning/Social Security Seminar

Presenters Andy Wohlfarth with Evans Petree PC and Mitchell S. Everett with Waddell & Reed Financial Advisors will be speaking on the topics of Estate Planning and Making the Most of Social Security Benefits.

Join us for an educational workshop where we’ll focus on:

Social Security

  • Changes to Social Security filing strategies resulting from the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015
  • How married couples can help enhance their combined benefits
  • How the “do over” and “start, stop, restart” strategies work
  • How to claim retroactive benefits as a lump sum
  • The effect of remarriage on survivor benefits for widowed and divorced spouses

Estate Planning

  • Planning for Incapacity
  • Operation of a Will and Estate Administration
  • Estate Tax Planning
  • Income Tax Planning with Trusts, including Community Property Trusts
  • Asset Protection Planning, including Investment Services Trusts and Joint Spousal Trusts


Thursday, April 21st

6:30pm-8:30pm (dinner will be served)


Crescent Club

6075 Poplar Ave, Ste. 909

Memphis, TN 38119


This event is at no cost to our clients and friends, but pre-registration is required. Space is limited so please reserve as soon as possible. Please contact Rachel Silvers at or 901.474.6106 to register or for more information. RSVP deadline is April 13th.



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